Sunday, December 4, 2011


Every one of us is a teacher in one way or other in everyday life. We have had some kind of teaching and know what it is to be a student. We all teach and we all learn throughout our lives. A great many relationships in ordinary life depend on teaching and learning: parents and children, husband and wife, managers and employees, doctors and patients, and so on. However, in real life school, of course, it is not always easy to become a teacher. First of all, there are some people who should never take charge of a classroom, and there are others who seem to be perfect for the work.
The task of teachers is central to education as a whole. Teachers must transmit to new generations the cultural heritage of a society, the knowledge, skills, customs and attitudes acquired over the years. They must also try to develop in their students the ability to adjust to a rapidly changing world.
The task of teachers ha increased in complexity. Not only are many more students enrolled, but they also present a broader range of ability, background and interests.
Another concern of teachers is that they are instrument of society with responsibility to the community. Their contacts with the community usually extend to the parents of their students and to the neighborhood or town. The task of the teacher is especially challenging.
Teachers lead busy lives, but the variety in their jobs can be both interesting and rewarding. Almost everywhere teachers are rewarded by the respect and admiration they receive from society. It is also a great satisfaction for a teacher to teach boys and girls the difference between truths and lies in what they read and hear. The teachers find certain happiness in struggling to master many difficulties of a subject.  Say my thank for all my teachers all over the world. 
Excerpted from English for Muslim University Student 2 by Nasrun Mahmud.

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